Monday, January 19, 2009

Ultra Pure Water - The Three Biggest Problems & Threats

Pure water basically contains nothing; no organic or inorganic contaminants, no minerals, nothing. When it is consumed, it rejuvenates your body for a short period of time, since the water flows without any obstacles, making it easy to digest. However, as pure as it can be, it is denying you from the benefits that you should get from water, which are the minerals in it.

Here are some problems that can arise from drinking water that is "ultra pure":

Since this type of water contains almost 0% minerals, your body would be short of minerals, coming from the water you consume daily. Furthermore, it is hazardous for your health if you decided to use distilled water as your drinking water choice. The lack of minerals in water will result in deficiency of minerals in your body in the long run.

Ultra pure water also hinders some minerals from entering the body. The body loses a lot of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium when it comes into contacts with this type of purified water, and minerals like magnesium is gathered by it. In return, you are exposed to the risk of getting high blood pressure and irregular heart rates, which are definitely not good for your health.

Ultrapure water is an active absorber, since it is mineral free. Therefore, when it comes into contact with other minerals or any other elements, such as air, the molecule will aggressively react to these molecules, resulting in a hazardous situation for our health. For example, when ultra pure water comes into contact with carbon dioxide, the water will turn acidic as the result of the chemical reaction that occurs from the contact. In return, this water that is consumed will make the consumer's body more acidic, and the more acidic the body become, the more imbalance the body system will be which in the end will expose the consumer to sickness from high acidity in body.

Long term consumption of ultrapure water can lead to mineral deficiencies and acidic state of body which expose our health to great risk & problems. Studies have shown that there are greater risks of getting cardiovascular diseases and mineral deficiency related diseases when a person drinks ultra pure water for a long period of time.

So, now that you know the problems with pure water, think before you drink!

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