Saturday, January 17, 2009

Venapro Review- How I Used Venapro to treat My Hemorrhoids

Did you know that most cases of hemorrhoids can be treated without surgery by making some changes to your lifestyle and by taking a supplement? Let me share with you about how I changed some of my day to day habits and used a hemorrhoid treatment called Venapro to eliminate my hemorrhoids after suffering for more than a year.

I used to be in pain often when I was on the toilet. I guess that I was pushing too much and putting too much pressure on the muscles in my rectum. This made going to the bathroom uncomfortable and often  left me with a painful rectum! When I began to see blood in the toilet after my bowel movements I was really concerned.

I went to my doctor and the diagnosis was internal hemorrhoids. The doctor prescribed the following remedies for hemorrhoid relief including:

  • Applying ice packs on the affected areas.
  • Taking sitz baths to soak the rectal area in hot water for 15-20 minutes about 3-4 times a day.
  • Applying a moistened pad or witch hazel after each bowel movement.

She told me that the best way to relieve hemorrhoids was to consume more fibrous foods and drink more water. The reason for this is that water and fiber help your stools become plump so they are expelled easier. That means there's no more pushing and putting pressure on those sensitive rectal veins.

So I started ingesting lots of foods such as citrus frutis, pears, bananas, prunes, spinach and sweet potatoes. I practically eliminated items such as white bread, pizza, candy and coffee because they lead to constipation.

I also did some exercise each day. After being at my desk for more than an hour I made myself get up and walk or do some  stretches. This seemed to help my digestive system and I felt some improvement. After about a month my hemorrhoids were causing me not much pain but they were still there.

Since I really wanted to accelerate the healing process, I decided to study up on some natural hemorrhoids products. After quite a bit of time on my computer, I found out that there are several ingredients that are well known to treat hemorrhoids. These  include:

*Butcher's Broom - this is used to relieve constipation, pressure, and swelling.

*Witch Hazel -  this is an anti-inflammatory used to relax the veins and relieve pressure and eliminates hemorrhoid painfulness.

*Horse Chestnut - this is used to lessen the protuberance and itching of hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

*Cascara Sagrada- this is used to help the body to produce a softer, smoother bowel movement so that hemorrhoids are less likely to develop.

As I was researching I also observed that many other hemorrhoid patients were consuming a product called Venapro. I visited the Venapro website and studied the specifications in their formula, doing a Venapro Hemorrhoid review. The formula had all of the herbs I had studied and much more. I compared the ingredients in Venapro to several similar hemorrhoid products and discovered Venapro had the highest amount of active contituents. The price was affordable too so I decided to order a one month supply.

After about 4 days I experienced a difference in my hemorrhoids. There was significantly less puffiness and I had no trouble in the bathroom. Things were, should I say, going smoothly, and I was feeling lighter than I had been for a while.

After taking Venapro for four weeks, as of the writing of this article my hemorrhoids are almost gone. Since my first order of the Venapro Colon Health Formula and Oral Spray are almost finished I just ordered some more, and chose a larger supply because that's cheaper. The customer testimonials that I've read seem to say that when Venapro is taken regularly over a period of several months, it can help you get rid of hemorrhoids completely. That's my goal.

I don't know if Venapro will work for everyone. I don't always believe in natural remedies and I know that the improvement is also due to the changes I've made in my daily routines. I want to keep Venapro on hand though. I really am convinced it helped me hasten the healing process.

Do compare Venapro to other treatments by going to some review websites before you buy Venapro. Venapro may work for you too!

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